Dear Friend,

Sixty-two years ago, six people, who were meeting in an American Legion Hall, started the journey that we are presently on. Sacrifice, faith, and hard work laid the foundation for what we now enjoy. These same elements are taking us to our future. Over the last several years, First Church has seen significant growth spiritually, financially, and numerically. The number of people attending First Church has exceeded the capacity of all areas in our current building. Simply put, we have outgrown our facilities. 

This thriving community of believers was once just a vision in a dreamer’s eye. However, at each critical moment, without reservation and with complete confidence in God, this body of believers has demonstrated their willingness to obey God and their commitment to sacrifice. In the spring of 2000, the members of First Church stepped out in faith and built a family center. In 2004, once again envisioning a better future, the First Church family, guarded and guided by God, purchased 11 acres on US 30 which was later sold for a substantial increase. Since 2009 the First Church family has given sacrificially which has moved us in the direction of expansion and relocation. Because of our faithful giving and sale of church-owned property, last year we purchased a building in a prime location on US 30 that will serve as our new church facility. The outcome of this new location will be beyond our previous expectations. It is in this building, after construction and renovations, that we will make our new home.  

Once again, we have arrived at the intersection of extraordinary opportunity and challenge. The time is here to walk through the  effectual door that has been opened before us, for us to increase our space, to reach more people for Christ, and to leave a legacy for future generations. This moment presents an extraordinary opportunity to be in the middle of what God is doing through First Church. This capital campaign will help provide the needed resources to complete what has already started. The former generation imagined, and with great sacrifice, brought to pass what is today. Now, it is time for us to REIMAGINE First Church–to see not what is, but what can be. 

REIMAGINE isn’t solely about buildings and property; it is about reaching our community for Christ, touching lives and impacting eternity. Envision a generation of children aware of God’s impacting love for the first time. Imagine a generation of students, growing in their passion and commitment, serving God into adulthood. Visualize adults of all ages discovering a life-changing relationship with God. 

Picture our church with ministries that reach the hurting and hopeless. Consider marriages being restored and families coming to Christ. 

In other words… REIMAGINE. 

Join us as we fulfill this calling. I trust our faith is strong as we recognize the sure hand of God on the past, the present, and most assuredly, the future of First Church. 

Together, let’s declare I’M IN. 

Jonathan Barley

Lead Pastor